Deep-weathering in Sweden


  • Jan Lundqvist Department of Quaternary Research, University of Stockholm


In Sweden the following types of deep‑weathering can be distinguished: complete formation of kaolinite, less complete chemical weathering, granular weathering, and fracturing into angular blocks. Soft ores present a special case. These types of weathering either represent different parts of a pre­-Pleistocene regolith or the effect of different climates. Most of the regolith was removed by glacial erosion during the Pleistocene. The lower part remains in areas where this erosion was less intense. Along faults and frac­ture zones, weathering reaches to a much deeper level and also the upper parts remain preserved. It is suggested that weathering is of greater signifi­cance in forming the present‑day landscape whereas, contrary to popular belief, glacial erosion is less important.

Research Papers



How to Cite

Lundqvist, J. (1985). Deep-weathering in Sweden. Fennia - International Journal of Geography, 163(2), 287–292. Retrieved from