- International Journal of Geography2025-01-07T15:05:54+02:00Kirsi Pauliina Kallioeditor.fennia@geography.fiOpen Journal Systems<p align="left">Fennia is a non-profit peer-review journal published by the Geographical Society of Finland since 1889. It is an international scientific publication dedicated to all fields of geography with attentiveness to northern dimensions. In 2010, Fennia became an open access electronic journal with two yearly issues. It is devoted to a fast publication process, including the open access publication of forthcoming papers before inclusion in an issue. The journal has no submission or article processing charges, and authors retain all rights to their work throughout the publication process and after publication. We appreciate that authors clearly bring up that the text has been originally published in Fennia. We also offer the opportunity to publish short, popularized texts based on research articles through the <a href="">Versus</a> platform that aims to make research more visible, dialogical and effective in societies.</p> <p align="left">Fennia publishes papers of high scholarly merit in three categories: Research Papers, Reviews and Essays, and Reflections. Research Papers are original full-length articles that make a significant contribution to geographic and related research. Reviews and Essays introduce empirical, theoretical or methodological insights from ongoing research, including literature reviews and lectures. Reflections section includes commentaries, debates, discussion pieces, interventions and other argumentative short texts related to contemporary issues. With these three publication formats, Fennia seeks to take forward geographical research and discussion in a critical and responsible spirit. In addition to individual contributions, the journal welcomes proposals for special issues and sections.</p> <p align="left">The fully open access Fennia publications are under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CC BY 4.0</a>). The journal is member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">COPE</a>) and follows the peer review standards set by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">TSV</a><a href="" target="_self">)</a>. It is indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">DOAJ</a>) and the Thomson Reuters Emerging Sources Citation Index (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ESCI</a>), and is part of the <a href="">Free Journal Network</a>. The main language of the journal is English.</p>äxten i Finland 1751—18852025-01-07T15:05:54+02:00A. Boxström<p>The text can be accessed via this <a href=" ">LINK</a></p>1890-01-01T00:00:00+0139Copyright (c) 1890 A. Boxström Über die telegraphische Längenbestimmung von Wiborg, Kuopio und Joensuu2025-01-07T15:03:31+02:00A. Bonsdorff<p>The text can be accessed via this <a href=" ">LINK</a></p>1890-01-01T00:00:00+0139Copyright (c) 1890 A. Bonsdorff geographische Verbreitung einer nordischen Thiermärchenkette in Finnland, durch eine Karte erläutert2025-01-07T15:00:49+02:00K. Krohn<p>The text can be accessed via this <a href="">LINK</a></p>1890-01-01T00:00:00+0139Copyright (c) 1890 K. Krohn Expedition nach der Halbinsel Kola im Jahre 1887, vorläufig geschildert2025-01-07T14:56:35+02:00A. O. KihlmanJ. A. Palmén<p>The text can be accessed via this <a href="">LINK</a></p>1890-01-01T00:00:00+0139Copyright (c) 1890 A. O. Kihlman, J. A Palmén einer naturwissenschaftlichen Reise durch Russisch Lappland im Jahre 18892025-01-07T14:54:04+02:00A. O. Kihlman<p>The text can be accessed via this <a href="">LINK</a></p>1890-01-01T00:00:00+0139Copyright (c) 1890 A. O. Kihlman Beobachtungen auf der Halbinsel Kola. Nebst einem Anhänge: Petrographische Beschreibung der Gesteine des Lujaur urt2025-01-07T14:51:26+02:00W. Ramsay<p>The text can be accessed via this <a href=" ">LINK</a></p>1890-01-01T00:00:00+0139Copyright (c) 1890 W. Ramsayågra iakttagelser angående skiktade moräner samt rullstensåsar2025-01-07T14:48:35+02:00B. Frosterus<p>The text can be accessed via this <a href="">LINK</a></p>1890-01-01T00:00:00+0139Copyright (c) 1890 B. Frosterus elfs utloppsvik nu ock fordom2025-01-07T14:45:08+02:00A. Walilroos<p>The text can be accessed via this <a href="">LINK</a></p>1890-01-01T00:00:00+0139Copyright (c) 1890 A. Walilroos Bearbetning af tiderna för islossningar i Aura å2025-01-07T14:41:37+02:00S. Levänen<p>The text can be accessed via this <a href="">LINK</a></p>1890-01-01T00:00:00+0139Copyright (c) 1890 S. Levänen för uträknande af gradafdeluings- eller polyeder projektion emellan Finlands latitudsgrader2025-01-07T14:38:45+02:00O. Savander<p>The text can be accessed via this <a href="">LINK</a></p>1890-01-01T00:00:00+0139Copyright (c) 1890 O. Savanderökandet af den Rysk-Skandinaviska gradmätningens inom Finland belägna triangelpunkter2025-01-07T14:35:50+02:00A. Petrelius<p>The text can be accessed via this <a href="">LINK</a></p>1890-01-01T00:00:00+0139Copyright (c) 1890 A. Petrelius namnen på Finlands kommuner i svensk och i finsk skrift2025-01-07T14:32:57+02:00V. Vasenius<p>The text can be accessed via this <a href="">LINK</a></p>1890-01-01T00:00:00+0139Copyright (c) 1890 V. Vasenius mäjligheten att återfinna de till den Baltiska Triangulationen hörende triangelpunkterna2025-01-07T14:27:48+02:00A. Donner<p>The text can be accessed via this <a href="">LINK</a></p>1890-01-01T00:00:00+0139Copyright (c) 1890 A. Donnerämförelse mellan noggrannheten hos några kartor öfver2025-01-07T14:24:13+02:00A. Petrelius<p>The text can be accessed via this <a href="">LINK</a></p>1890-01-01T00:00:00+0139Copyright (c) 1890 A. Petrelius för beräkning af barometriska höjdmätningar2025-01-07T14:19:44+02:00A. Petrelius<p>The text can be accessed via this <a href="">LINK</a></p>1890-01-01T00:00:00+0139Copyright (c) 1890 A. Petreliusällskapets förhandlingar; mars 1889— mars 18902025-01-07T14:07:26+02:00<p>The text can be accesed by using this <a href="">LINK</a></p>2025-01-07T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 1890 Fennia