The legacy of a Finnish geographer - Leo Aario (1906-1998)


  • Ludger Müller-Wille Department of Geography, McGill University, Montréal (Québec)


Leo Aario's contributions to international geography are assessed through his long-time links with geographers such as Wilhelm Müller-Wille (1906-1983) whom he met in Germany in 1942. This academic and personal relationship between Finland and Germany is traced by drawing from private sources and oral traditions among Finnish geographers. Aario's scientific and pedagogical skills taught and encouraged generations of Finnish and foreign students to find their academic place including the author who was influenced by Aario's ideas and publications that are briefly reviewed.

Research Papers



How to Cite

Müller-Wille, L. (1999). The legacy of a Finnish geographer - Leo Aario (1906-1998). Fennia - International Journal of Geography, 177(2), 157–160. Retrieved from